Books - I've been reading the last book by Jamie Langston Turner in her Derby series titled Sometimes a Light Surprises. I highly recommend these books. My favorite of hers is Some Wildflower in My Heart.
Window seats with kitties sitting in them - Hunkering down with pillows, a blanket, a book or two, and a pretty window are nice but when your kitty jumps up there it's a perfect picture.
Music - We have been listening to Rich Mullins' album Songs in the truck while running errands, etc. This is one of my favorites but the rest of the album is full of gems too. If you like the song below, you might want to listen to another one of my favorites, "Sing Your Praise to the Lord" which starts out with Bach's "Fugue No. 2 in C Minor".
*** To turn off my mixpod to listen to this song, scroll down to the bottom of
the page. There you will see my player and click the Play/Pause button.
Strawberry pie - Found via this pin on Pinterest, we have made it several times. It is really easy to make and a perfect way to use up some of those strawberries coming out of the garden.
Entering this picture in Week Four of the Photographers Collaboration hosted by Lily. The theme this week is Food Photography.

What are some of your simple pleasures?