Before my dental surgery, I was told that I could bring a CD to listen to during the surgery. I thought about what CD I wanted to bring... Selah? Rich Mullins? 4Him? Then I decided to do something totally new. I was going to try to make my own CD. With our desktop, we didn't have the capability to burn CDs so this was never an option. But with our fairly new laptop, we could. So I decided to give it a try.
The next step was picking just a few songs. Whoa! How can I pick just a few favorites? I finally narrowed it down to fifteen, but it was hard.
The first CD I made had a skip in it. It was a rather large one and so I decided to make another copy of it. The second one was a success! I am so glad I made a CD. First of all, because my love for the Lord was seen by the medical staff during my surgery. My surgeon remarked that I was a very calm patient and that my music was making him calm! And second, because I can listen to all my favorite songs on one CD.
My favorites:
1. Sing Your Praise to the Lord - Rich Mullins
2. If I Stand - Rich Mullins
3. Hold Me Jesus - Rich Mullins
4. While the Nations Rage - Rich Mullins
5. The Solid Rock - 4Him
6. Fairest Lord Jesus - 4Him
7. Glory - Selah
8. There is a Redeemer - Selah
9. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus -Selah
10. Before the Throne of God Above - Selah
11. Wonderful, Merciful Savior - Selah
12. Be Thou My Vision - Selah
13. Part the Waters/I Need Thee Every Hour - Selah
14. O Sacred Head Now Wounded - Selah