Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo Friday: Sisters

How do people make it through life without a sister? 
 ~Sara Corpening

~ ~ ~

And speaking of sisters, here is a picture on me and my sister, Bekah. While all the family was here we asked a dear friend of ours, Miss Frances, to come over and take some pictures (including this one of the whole family). She has been sharing them as she edits them and last night when I got on the computer I found this one waiting for me. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Birthday Boy, Baking Memories, and the "Helper"

Peter had a birthday! 

Two years ago, we were just sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner when the phone rings and Ryan announces that they are at the hospital getting ready to meet their first son. (To see a newborn picture of Peter click ~here~.) We were so excited when we found out that this year we could celebrate this special day with him. 

Before their trip down, we skyped with Ryan, Sarah, and the kids. Nora asked if we could have cupcakes while they were visiting. Of course I said yes! How could I refuse that precious girl a simple pleasure like that? I thought that since she was the one who asked then I would let her help me make the cupcakes. The day of Peter's little party, Nora and I went to work making chocolate cupcakes. She measured the flour and the baking soda, turned on the mixer, and even cracked an egg with only a slight mishap (at least it all didn't go in the floor).

We both had a fun time. Well, all three of us did that is. Lucy was on hand for any spills that needed to be taken care of (egg, flour, sugar, a drop of milk). At least the floor didn't need too much cleaning up thanks to the four-legged "helper". :)

And of course, the treat of helping is being able to lick off the spatula!

Eve thought that it looked like Nora and I were having too much fun so she asked if she could help make the icing for the chocolate cupcakes. Bananas were cut, butter was whipped, and the assembly line went perfectly. I iced the cupcakes and Eve placed a banana slice on top.

Cupcakes made with two of the sweetest little girls.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Beautiful Girls, a Handsome Boy, and Some Adorable Pictures

Photo Shoot!

While Ryan, Sarah, Eve, Nora, and Peter (and Lucy) were here, the time flew by so, so fast! We were  so busy visiting, playing wii with the kids, baking, and catching up, that it was Monday morning (the day they left) before I got a chance to take the three little kids outside for a photo shoot. It was a lovely sunny day and the kids didn't mind one bit being outside and posing while I took some pictures.

Even Lucy got in on the action for a few pictures. 

Aren't they adorable?!

Eve (5)
Eve is the talker of the family. Her parents say that they often can't get a word in because this little one is talking. :) Eve started homeschool this year and already she has started to read a little and has memorized many Bible verses and several hymns. She is a good big sister and helps take care of her little siblings.

Nora (3)
Nora is a beautiful little girl. She is quieter than Eve but just as smart. Nora has an excellent memory and has memorized just as many Bible verses and hymns as Eve has. She has a beautiful voice and it was such a joy to hear that sweet girl sing along with us in church when one of the songs she knows was requested. 

Peter (2)
You can watch Peter all day long and never get board. This boy makes so many faces and has so many expressions. He can go from having a scowl on his face to a smile in a matter of seconds. Peter just celebrated in second birthday on Sunday and we were so glad that we got to celebrate with him. He is so boy and I think that there will be many stories to share in the future of the scrapes he's gotten into. :)

All so different. All so special. All so loved. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Memories

Food was prepared ahead,

tables were moved...

...and set,

place cards were made and seating arranged, 

in preparation for Thanksgiving and special visitors!

My brother Ryan, his wife Sarah, and their children Eve, Nora, and Peter (plus Lucy the dog), live away. We don't get to see them very often but this year, they were able to make it home for Thanksgiving!

Nineteen of us enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner together in one room. After dinner, the kids played together while the adults sat around talking, catching up, drinking coffee, and eating dessert.

Pilgrim Gavin                                              the "servants" table                                         before dinner chat with Nora
Papa watching Peter color                           the kids' table                                                                     the adult table

It was a wonderful day full of thanks, laughter, and family. 

(Come back the next few days for more glimpses of our visit with the far away family.)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

"The Desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory," says the Lord Almighty. 
-- Haggai 2:7

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Pumpkin Spice Kind of Day

This week will be filled with baking, cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for Thanksgiving and the visitors. But even when the week is busy, there's still time for Pumpkin Spice tea in a Fall mug. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Medley

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.  ~Psalm 100

Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo Friday: Homemade Hot Chocolate

Bekah has been wanting to make our own hot chocolate for a while now. This week we decided to go for it since we had time, the ingredients, and the hankering for a hot beverage.

We took this recipe and adapted it a little since we didn't have powdered milk. It didn't take any time to mix it up.  

We heated three cups of milk, added the powder, stirred, and enjoyed. 

Mom and I think, that since it tasted a bit too milky for us (we don't like the taste of plain milk that much), that it would be a great add in when we make mochas. With a cup of coffee, a little bit of cream, and a few spoonfuls of the mix, it makes a great mocha. (Ask me how I know. :) )

Kati’s Little Corner of the World
Happy Friday, friends!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We love games.

Owen, our little gamer, playing Charades for Kids

We play games every Sunday afternoon.

Apples to Apples

We play games on Saturday evenings.

Phase 10

We occasionally play games during the week.


And we absolutely love hosting game parties.

Dutch Blitz!

Some of my favorites:

~ Apples to Apples ~

~ Dutch Blitz ~

~ Phase 10 ~

~ Scrabble ~

~ Skip Bo ~

~ Uno ~

~ Last Word ~

What are your favorite games?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

For the Beauty of the Earth

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.” ~Isaiah 6:3


Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Friday: Tranquility

Kati’s Little Corner of the World

Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday Celebration

Friday was my birthday! 

Here is me when I was only 1 hour old. 

Here is me on my birthday last Friday.

We like to celebrate birthdays a lot around here. Usually the birthday person has a celebration on their birthday and a family party the Sunday before or after their special day.

On my actual birthday we went out for the afternoon. Charming Charlie and Barnes and Noble were on our to-do list.

coconut mocha frappuccino

We went out to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Then back home for birthday M&Ms, a few presents, and Pride and Prejudice.

In between all the festivities there were calls from my grandmother, my siblings, nieces and nephews, and even a special birthday greeting from my sister's family's new kitten, Dott.

Then skip a day to Sunday and the celebrating continues with a small family party including my sister, brother-in-law, nieces, and nephews and my grandmothers. (We missed my brother and his family who live too far away to come.)

Mommom                                                                                                                     Gammy
                                                                                                                                       Gammy, Pinky, and I were matching :)

We shared a dinner of tacos (can you tell I like Mexican food?) and then moved on to the birthday chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce.

All the little kids went home with a balloon, a lollipop, and a hug from their aunt Kati. (Yay for sweet hugs!)

It was a very good birthday weekend!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving, and extol Him with music and song.  ~Psalm 95:2


Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Days of Thanks 2012


1. My relationship with the Lord
2. My parents
3. My church family
4. My siblings
5. My nieces and nephews
6. My friends
7. My kitties
8. COFFEE!!!
9. Shopping trips
10. Lazy saturdays
11. Sunday afternoons with family
12. My blogging friends
13. Books
14. Survivor :}
15. Our Bible study
16. Watching Pride and Prejudice with friends
17. Playful kitties
18. Our church fellowship
19. Pumpkin spice tea 
20. Warm soup on a chilly day
21. My love of baking
22. Sharing Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones
23. Thanksgiving leftovers
24. Baking with two of the sweetest girls I know
25. A special birthday boy who is TWO! 
26. Photo shoots with my nieces and nephews (here, here, here, and here)
27. Christmas music
28. A warm quilt on a cold night
29. M&Ms - peanut, plain, coconut, orange, peppermint...
30. Friday nights spent with family

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Music of Fall {Photo Friday}

As we walk along, the dry leaves crunch under our feet. Frequently, a new crimson, gold, or russet leaf will come twirling down softly as a breath of wind caresses the ones still left clinging to the strong, solid branches. As they hit the ground, they softly crinkle with those that have found their way there first.   

While the leaves are making their yearly change from green to a dazzling array of rich color, the beans in the fields are starting to turn dry and brown. Their soft rattling signals that they are almost ready to be harvested. Soon the noise of the combine will echo through the woods as the field at its edge is stripped bare of the produce.

The sound of tranquil quiet resounds. It feels as if no human noises can penetrate the sounds of nature. The things unheard, leaves relinquishing their grasp, animals hiding in the underbrush, are content to stay as they are. Unnoticed by us intruders, not thought of unless something triggers the memory of them.

We finish our walk as birds sing and squirrels frolic from tree to tree.

:: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Kati’s Little Corner of the World

Want to join in the fun?
1. Take a picture of anything you want. It can be new or old.
2. Put the picture and the Photo Friday button in a blog post or in a web album.
3. Come back here and link up your post, album, etc.
Show us what you captured with your camera...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Next link-up: 
December 7

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October in Review

The month of October held more then just blogging. In between posts being written and published we enjoyed...

~ Going on a vacation trip to Lancaster, PA.

~ Meeting a blog friend of my mom's while there.

~ Having tea and coffee in new vessels purchased on vacation.

~ Celebrating two birthdays: one 75th and one 4th.

Gampy's                                                         Ben's

~ Taking a day trip to an orchard with my sister, brother-in-law and their five children.

Top: pumpkin bowling
Middle left to right: sliding down the BIG slide, picking out a pumpkin to take home
Bottom left to right: playing pumpkin checkers, hugging his pumpkin

Top: rubber duck races
Bottom left to right: starting the corn maze, pumpkin checkers

   Left: Zipline!                                         Middle top: Owen on the overlook                 Right: Even Papa likes the BIG slide
Middle bottom: Aunt Kati with Alaine  ♥

~ Doing two photo shoots for friends. 

     the L family                                             Andrew

And we didn't enjoy being stuck in the house while Sandy raged outside. 

What did you do in October?