Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A New Car and Keychain

I bought a car on Saturday! 

My old car (a hand-me-down from my dad) wasn't doing too well. I would only go to work and back and even then I was worried if it would make it.

My new car is reliable, has air conditioning, and a cd player. Now to come up with a name for my new car...

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A new car gave me the incentive to make a new keychain. I got the pattern for the felt bird from Craft-a-Day and added the loop for the keychain. It took me less than an hour to complete and makes my keys and pink Swiss Army knife look so much cuter. :)


Unknown said...

Great car! May it serve you well for many years to come!

And that is a sweet little birdie keychain. It is just the thing to complement the pink Swiss army knife.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Happy first car!

That key chain is adorable!


ellen b. said...

Congrats on the new car! Cute keychain!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kati! Looks like a really pretty car. Love the black with chrome! Your keychain is really cute, too...and I think it's so neat you carry a knife on there:)

Stephanie said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations on your new car :) And your key chain is perfect :)

Hugs to you!

Barbara F. said...

Congratulations! Love the little birdie key chain. I think you should name your car "Joe", as in a cup of Joe! Especially since I just read the coffee bark post!

Unknown said...

Oh my! That keychain is so adorable. I'm actually having the urge to snatch it from you through the computer screen, too bad I can't. Hahaha! I might just check Craft-a-Day out though, that might be easier. Anyway, your car looks amazing! Have you already come up with a name for it? Make sure to let us know. Keep safe, Kati! :)

Micheal Miller @ Butler Kia of Fishers

Douglass said...

Wish you had included a full shot of the car, it appears to be a nice luxury sedan which I myself just love. Your key chain is adorable~ I’m guessing that it was hand stitched by looking at it up close, but the stitches are so uniform it could be a replica of the Twitter Tweet birdie. Wherever did you find the pink Swiss Army? The light blues go good with it.

Douglass @ Viva Kia

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice new car! And I like your keychain and penchant for naming things -- talking about personalizing a vehicle, it's even becoming personified. What made you choose this model? I've been doing a lot of research on the internet for new and used cars, and I'm finding regular people's opinions helpful. Did you use any particular website in your search?

Eleanor Nelson @ Performance Auto VA